Brasserie la Vertueuse

Ideal for sales in low-volume outlets, the beer remains intact in terms of taste and quality for 2 months after tapping.

Advantages and flexibility in drum fleet management

Bibarium - Marc SARRAZIN

From the winemaker’s vat to the consumer’s glass: it’s a win-win situation!

Château Pompette

Wine service is simplified, in a durable, environmentally-friendly container. The icing on the cake: French manufacturing!

Brasserie Dalons - Thibaut (brewer)

ECOFASS is a very good solution for brewers just starting out, as these kegs are lighter and easier to use. What’s more, the beer keeps longer than with conventional kegs, so I recommend them!

Brasserie de la Fourche - Yannick METGE (manager)

For my brewpub, ECOFASS is the most compact solution (no keg washer), the least time-consuming and the simplest in terms of kegging and tapping.
No need for CO2 to tap my 10 draught beers, and no risk of overcarbonation for my kegs in cold storage.

Brasserie des Bières de Famille "La Luxoise" - Charles and Jean-Michel Ferry

Our partnership with Ecofass is a guarantee of quality and credibility for our brewery. The interchangeable-bag keg concept makes kegging easy and guarantees the quality of our products over time.